
Envelope 结算 Service (ESS) standardizes and controls participant-to-participant physical delivery of securities in the New York metropolitan area. Inter-city Envelope 结算 Service (IESS) standardizes and controls participant-to-participant physical delivery of securities between N.Y. 和多伦多.

  • About

    The ESS was originally established for Member-to-Member physical delivery of securities, and is now also used for the settlement of money-only transactions between NSCC Members that were previously processed in the Dividend 结算 Service (DSS) and Funds Only 结算 Service (FOSS).

  • 谁可以使用该服务


  • Benefits

    The service centralizes and standardizes the processing of certain transactions, 提供以下全行业的效率:

    • 北卡罗来纳大学作为一个中心落点, which reduces expenses related to bonded couriers and overnight courier services, including expenses of over-the-window checks and deliveries.
    • 跟踪并确认所有已处理的交货.
    • IESS provides next day credit for deliveries made in Toronto, Canada.
    • Provides a standard, efficient vehicle for processing funds-only charges.
    • Allows Members to collect dividends and interest owed to them from other Members.
    • Conveniently nets money settlement of transactions into the Members’ NSCC end-of-day settlement obligation.

  • 服务如何运作

    For physical deliveries of securities between Members within the U.S., the ESS operates in accordance with a central clearing-house approach, 下面描述:

    • The delivering Member must attach to the securities being delivered two copies of the delivery instructions to the receiving Member(s), and put the securities and those instructions in an ESS envelope.
    • Using the Envelope Control System for Participants (“ECSP”) function in the Participant Terminal System (PTS), the delivering Member must prepare a credit list by electronically entering credit list information for each batch of envelopes being delivered. 这将创建一个唯一的信用列表号. These credit lists itemize the receiving Members' clearing numbers and the value of each envelope received.
    • The delivering Member sends the envelopes containing securities and the instructions to NSCC’s facility. 一旦收到, NSCC will debit and credit the respective Members’ settlement accounts for the securities to be delivered, 根据交付成员提供的信用清单. NSCC will sort the envelopes according to receiving Members’ clearing numbers for distribution to those receiving Members. The ESS compiles the credits and debits into detailed reports that are distributed later in the day to those Members. These reports help Members reconcile internal accounts and re-calculate settlement amounts with NSCC.
    • ESS还包括一个回收过程, which allows the receiving Member to return deliveries by reversing the delivery process. Members using the reclamation process to return securities must include in the envelope new reclamation credit lists, 通过PTS功能“ECSP”输入, 及统一填海表格, 哪些必须详细说明退货的原因.

    会员之间在美国的实物交付.S. 和多伦多, Canada, the ESS operates in accordance with a central clearing-house approach, 下面描述:

    • The delivering Member must attach to the securities being delivered two copies of the delivery instructions to the receiving Member(s), and put the securities and those instructions in an IESS envelope.
    • 使用PTS功能“ECSP”, the delivering Member must prepare and print credit list by electronically entering credit list information for each batch of envelopes being delivered. 这将创建一个唯一的信用列表号. These credit lists itemize the receiving Members' clearing numbers and the value of each envelope received.
    • The delivering Member sends the envelopes containing securities and the instructions to NSCC's facility or to the Canadian Depository for Securities (CDS) in Toronto. The envelopes must be prepared to show the receiving Member(s) location code and clearing numbers. The IESS credit lists must be attached to the envelope itemizing clearing numbers and the value of securities in the envelope. NSCC will debit and credit the respective Members’ settlement accounts same day when processed in the U.S. for U.S. receivers, and are processed the next day for envelopes processed in the U.S. 加拿大接收机.

    仅用于金钱相关费用的结算, 包括会员之间的股息及利息申索, 服务的运作方式如下:

    • The delivering Member must enclose required documentation relating to the transaction in an ESS envelope. The clearing numbers of receiving Members must be marked on the envelopes, and credit lists (created and printed out using the PTS function “ECSP”) must be attached.
    • 会员可为最多15个信封准备一张信用清单. Credit lists must indicate the clearing numbers of the Members to receive the envelopes, 每个信封里详细记载的交易金额, 以及所列物品的总价值.
    • ESS信封被发送到澳门赌场的设施. Envelopes are sorted and are picked up by the receiving Member(s). NSCC uses the credit lists to incorporate debits and credits into Members’ daily net money settlements.

  • 了解更多信息

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  • News

    See the latest news updates about Envelope 结算 Service (ESS). Learn how it provides a standard, efficient vehicle for processing funds-only charges.

  • Legal

    Download the legal information about the 信封结算服务(ESS/IESS). 了解更多vns6060威尼斯城官网它的好处.




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